Since last year, a Cades Schutte team has been representing Puʻuhonua O Waiʻanae (POW), a community of approximately 250 people currently living unhoused on the edge of the Waiʻanae Boat Harbor on the leeward side of Oʻahu.
Attorneys in the firm’s Trusts & Estates, Tax, Corporate, and Real Estate Departments have advised POW on various matters including POW’s development of a new village mauka of its current location. As covered extensively by the media, POW has built a remarkable community and was able to raise funds to purchase land and begin construction on their future, permanent home.
Trever K. Asam, Tax partner and the firm’s pro bono coordinator, and Trusts & Estates associate Pōhai Nuʻuhiwa Campbell have taken the lead to act as Cades Schutte’s liaison with POW. Other team members assisting POW also include Christopher T. Harrison, Michele S. Loudermilk, and Nathan C. Yang.
In addition to this pro bono legal work, a Cades Schutte team including both attorneys and staff recently visited POW on April 9, 2022, to assist villagers with volunteer work including organizing clothing and food donations and helping with light construction on their new site.
The volunteer day, held just a week after the firm celebrated its centennial anniversary, was an opportunity for the team to work together with Twinkle Borge, leader of POW, and other members of the village to provide hands-on assistance. It was organized as part of the firm’s Hoʻokupu for 100 Initiative, in which attorneys and staff are giving back to the community in celebration of Cades Schutte’s centennial anniversary.
“I am extremely proud of the work that Cades Schutte has done for Puʻuhonua O Waiʻanae,” Trever says. “We look forward to continuing our relationship with the community, and are thankful that Twinkle Borge, James Koshiba (a project volunteer and board member with POW), and the entire village have let us be a part of their tremendous effort.”